If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that we are adaptable. We can change, shift and grow to take on whatever the world decides to throw to us. We have all been forced to make changes, from our personal lives to the way we do business. 

Businesses need to match the unpredictability of a virus, with a digital plan that makes your results and outcomes as stable as possible. 

It’s time to come up with a plan. Take the stress out of lockdown announcements and have a game plan ready. 

“With a more proactive, progressive approach to both digital transformation and a new era of customer experience and service, the future might look less bleary.” Harvard Business Review 

Embrace Change 

It’s clear that the rules of retail have rapidly shifted the past year. From lockdown fatigue to changing consumer trends, the McKinsey & Company believes we have covered a digital decade in a matter of days. And this spreads across all industries.

While this might sound frightening, it just means that we have adapted so rapidly that we have squeezed a decade’s worth of change into a short space of time. We have been able to innovate and change the way we see the digital landscape. 

Part of embracing digital is also bracing for the unknown. When lockdowns can happen at a moment’s notice, it pays to have ad creative ready to go that mirrors what is happening in the world, so that the message your audience receives is one they’re more likely to be susceptible to. Having a clear and open dialogue with any potential customers is brilliant for ongoing consumer confidence. 

Embrace Change in Business

Rethink Online 

The pandemic has changed the way we search online. People want clear, concise information. They don’t want to be pandered to and there’s nothing worse than a tone-deaf statement on social media that will have you going viral for all the wrong reasons. 

While there are things we believe you should never compromise on it might be time to prioritise exactly what you want from your online experience. While it might seem scary now, it’s the time to completely revamp your business. 

In fact, many businesses have seen some of their biggest growth during this period as more and more people become astute digital shoppers.  

This also means that SEO has never been more important when it comes to standing out from the crowd. It’s vital that your strategy matches the changing search behaviours that this pandemic has brought.

“2021 will be the year of transition. Barring any unexpected catastrophes, individuals, businesses, and society can start to look forward to shaping their futures rather than just grinding through the present.” McKinsey & Company 

Woman Receiving Package

Review Ads 

There’s no better time to make sure your ads are working for you. 

This might mean shifting ad spend if you are primarily B2B, or if you are an eCommerce business to rethink your demographic, as a wider group of people are left with no other option than to shop online. Through this, you can build a bigger audience that stays engaged with your brand for the long run. After all, customers will remember what you did in the tough times.

If you have found your business shifting to curbside pickups or home delivery, then you need dynamic advertising to reflect that. It’s also time to diversify your approach and not rely on a single platform. 

Truth is, you can never be 100% prepared for what the pandemic throws at us. But you can plan ahead:

  • Have generic copy ad creative addressing lockdowns and the pandemic that can easily be repurposed any time an announcement is made
  • Audit your content to make sure it’s still useful and relevant in both times of uncertainty and normality
  • Be clever with your marketing spend — save if your service isn’t relevant or spend if you think you can turn a profit
  • Embrace uncertainty as a time to rethink and transform your business to make it even stronger

Are you looking at transitioning from a physical store to an online business? Or are you interested in making sure your advertising is COVID proof?  Whatever challenges 2021 throws at us, we feel confident in tackling them head-on. All of Emote’s marketing services are designed with complete flexibility, meaning when the world changes, so do our client’s marketing strategies. 

Stay posted for more digital wisdom across both our blog and social media.


Up next: Christmas Shopping! Setting Up Your Store on Social Media

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