Do you know what the future of payments looks like in Australia? Retail is about to change forever and we’re going to be showcasing this amazing technology on December 2nd at Retailered.

Add to that the incredible stories from Daniel Flynn (Thankyou Group) and Tania Burstin ( on how they built their brands from nothing and fought to do what few succeed to do.

Don’t forget Hisense, a company that has come into our flooded electronics market and is now in the Top 3/4 for their key product categories. It’s no small feat and the managing director of Australia Kevin Ke will share his insight behind this incredible achievement.

It all happens December 2nd, 8.30am-11.30am at Romulus & Remus in Richmond, VIC. Food and drinks are provided, and when I say food and drink I mean restaurant quality.

Book your tickets here and use the coupon code EMOTE212 for 30% off the ticket price!

Up next: Move for Movember

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