King Kong Apparel, maker of high quality, functional and rugged gym gear, prides itself on exceeding customer expectations. We knew this, so we were prepared to be up to the challenge when King Kong founder Stefan came to us for a solution for his Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales drive.

Partnering with Emote Digital enabled King Kong Apparel to run specific, data-driven campaigns to ensure spectacular results. We targeted consumers through all digital touch points, including website adjustments, Google Search & Display, Emails and Social.


Website adjustments

We made some slight adjustments to the existing site that made a big difference, such as adding locations (Australia, America, Europe). This enabled a seamless experience, no matter where King Kong Apparel’s customers were.

Google Display

Google Display was used as one of the primary methods for advertising the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. The animated banners were shown to all previous website visitors in the Australia and the USA, and a “lookalike audience” of web users who were similar to these customers. This targeting allowed us to reach the most accurate audience likely to be interested in the product.



An email campaign was developed to take advantage of the strong email database and raise awareness across the weekend. Impressive visuals, targeted messages and prominent calls to actions delivered results for the individual specials of the day and overall sales.



The social advertising creative was similar to that of the Google Display Banners, allowing consumers to receive a consistent brand message across the web. The banners were served to all users in Australia and the USA, who had visited King Kong’s website in the past 90 days or who were similar to people who like King Kong’s Facebook page.



King Kong Apparel received the following boosts during their Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales:

All stats are in comparison with the same sale period in 2015. That’s right, King Kong Apparel made like its gorilla namesake and basically went ape!


“With Emote, we were able to use multiple channels this year which boosted sales significantly over the Black Friday / Cyber Monday promotion”

Stefan Gehrig

The figures don’t lie

Using our five key services (SEO, PPC, Social, Emails & Content) on campaigns will help take any business to the next level. Our cohesive approach allows us the freedom to create written and visual content, and then amplify that content over various channels.

Up next: Why Ranking On The First Page Is More Important Than Ever.

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