The Top Analytics Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Analytics can be a total gamechanger, so long as they’re done right. It’s not uncommon to find oversights in many areas, from poor execution to seperating audiences.

Take a look at some of the most common errors people make with their analytics and make sure you’re not doing the same.

Shooting First, Thinking Later

Here’s something you might not realise: Analytics aren’t a magic bullet. That’s because you can analyse the numbers for hours but still neglect the most important step.

Great results rarely happen by accident. They’re usually the result of proper planning.

Despite this, too many brands launch right into creating a website or a marketing campaign without knowing what their goals are and the right way to achieve them.

“Could your strategy be performing better? You’ll never know until you try.”

The creative process is fun, but you shouldn’t even be looking at an ad template without understanding what your brand’s objectives are.

Not only will this help provide you with some great insights on how to move forward with your digital presence, but it will save you hours of staring at reports wondering why nothing seems to be working.

Lumping Mobile and Desktop Together

When creating something like a digital ad or even a website, you usually consider the following factors:

  • Who will be viewing it
  • What the design will look like
  • What the copy will say
  • Where the user journey will take them

But there’s one more super important thing to think about: how they’ll be viewing it.

This means considering the device they’ll be using. Are they browsing your website on a computer or an iPad? Is your ad presented to them on a phone or desktop?

Different technology means a different user experience. This is why there are often big discrepancies between mobile and desktop user data. Analytics allow you to see gaps in how both of these audiences view your content, as well as focus on any strong performance indicators.

Failing to AB Test

So your ads are doing well? That’s great! But are you sure they couldn’t be doing better?

The only way to find out is to try out something new.

Take a look at the data you’ve collated and look at what’s performing best. Maybe it’s a particular kind of content or an especially responsive audience.

“The creative process is fun, but you shouldn’t even be looking at an ad template without understanding what your brand’s objectives are.”

You might find that a different set of ads, alternate landing page, or a lookalike audience generates an even more amazing return for your brand.

Could your strategy be performing better? You’ll never know until you try.

Leaving Analytics to the Amateurs

We like to help take the confusion out of analytics, but even we can admit that it’s a confusing subject. All too often we have clients come to us after working with other agencies who just weren’t getting results.

What we usually find is that they had previously worked with people who just didn’t know what to do with the information they were capturing.

Considering our own amazing track record with getting results for our clients, nothing is more disappointing than seeing a brand whose data and potential has been either misused or completely ignored.
Our results, on the other hand, speak for themselves. Contact us today to turn your data into profitable outcomes.

Up next: How to Increase Your Conversion Rate with Analytics

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