Case study  | Hume Grammar | Digital Marketing

Connecting parents with the best school for their child.

One of Victoria’s newer schools, Hume Anglican Grammar was established in 2008 by St Peter’s Church and a group of passionate local parents who saw a need for an additional School in the area. 

The school now has three campuses: Mt Ridley, Donnybrook and Kalkallo, each offering specialist programs. Competing against schools with long-established histories in Victoria, Hume Grammar spoke to us about the benefits of using digital marketing to increase their slice of the educational pie.

Hume Grammar School-SEO Website Optimization

The Challenge

All parents have a big decision to make when it comes to their child’s education. Factors such as location, spiritual learning, fees, track record of results, extracurriculars and so much more have to be considered.

Our challenge was to generate qualified leads from parents who were aligned with the School on these core considerations. We aimed to increase the number of school tours booked so families could experience the difference of the School for themselves, ultimately driving the number of enrolments.

The Approach

Through two Google search campaigns, we created a brand campaign and a local search campaign. We also created updated display campaigns, with a major aim of remarketing the display ads to parents who visited the School website and left without booking a tour. 

Our ongoing SEO optimisations drive more conversions from generic keywords, keeping the cost per conversion low. We will continue optimising campaigns by adding negative keywords and more generic search keywords as we find relevant terms.

Hume Grammar - Education - Google Display Ads - Digital Marketing
Website Advertising Mockup for Hume Grammar School

The Outcomes

Results over a six-month period:

Google Ads


increase in conversions.


clicks with an average CPC of $0.13 throughout the period.


increase in click-through rate, 2.54% average CTR.


increase in paid website traffic.



increase in organic traffic.


new users to the website.


goal completions have been achieved.


existing keywords have improved in rankings e.g. ‘private school’ increased from position 42 to 17.

Developing Hume Grammar School Website-MacBook Display

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